Department store Lafayette, Paris (3)

Sofas, tables and chairs were also part of this bulk order. The surfaces are of high polished brass and stove-enamelled with a transparent layer. In large areas of the department store the material conveys a subtle guiding principle.

Client: Lafayette, Architect: Bruno Moinard, Costs:
approx. 240.000 €

Tische, Stühle, Canape in Messing
Paravent und Canape in Messing
more examples: 01  02 03
Paravent und Canape in Messing
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Brüll und Gruber Metal Design
Brüll+Gruber  Metal Design
We manufacture in stainless steel, brass and bronze
Our website is currently under construction
but will be finished by the end of February 2011.
Until then you can contact our German website for more information.
We apologise for any inconvenience. >>>
Brüll + Gruber + Co. Ltd
Karl-Schmid-Straße 22
81829 Munich/Germany
Telephone: +49(0)89/427 30 240

Stichworte: exklusive Paravents, Raumteiler, Umkleidekabine, Ladenbau, Messinggestell, Kleiderstangen nach Maß, Sichtschutz, Tische nach Maß, Messingstühle, Canapes,


Keywords: Metal construction, metal design, master company, metal labels, bronze processing, bronze banister, banisters, chrome acrylic, stainless steel processing, grid, glass banister, gastronomy fittings, handrails, handrail, hotel furnishings, interior design metal, shop fitting, surface treatment, grinding metal surfaces, brass and bronze, brass handrail, museum showcases, stainless steel banister, custom-made design, stairs, staircase banister, showcases, canopies
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